
Writing your 1st program in openCV using C++

Recently, as part of my DDP work, I wanted to get the openCV library working with C++. I'm just going to list the steps followed to get there in the present article.


Navigate to the directory where you want to download and build openCV.

# Install minimal prerequisites (Ubuntu 18 …

Illustrating conditional independence doesnt imply Absolute Independence and vice-versa

While, I was reading up on the Kalman filter, I came across the fact that, "conditional independence doesn't imply absolute independence or the vice-cersa".


To see this, let's see a few examples (taken from the internet):

Example 1:

Flip 2 fair coins. Let A be the event that …

My first program using PCL(Point Cloud Library)

Recently I've been trying to learn about sensor fusion as part of my Dual Degree project. Many of the tutorials on the same used the PCL library for certain point cloud processing operations. Thus I decided to give it a try.

I started off with copy-pasting the sample code to …

How I set up this blog (Using Pelican and Github Pages)

Pelican is a static-site generator. I can't really comment on what that mean's as I'm still learning:). This blog post will mainly touch upon the hurdles I faced while trying to get this running and what I learned during the process.

Part1: (Installation)

It's generally recommended to use a virtual …

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